Online ESOL Elementary course
Course facts
Method of Study: This is an online self-study English course which benefits from Tutor Support. Regular tutor feedback is provided at the end of each Unit to increase students' awareness of their academic strengths and weaknesses.
The learning materials for this online course cover ESOL Entry level 2; A2/CEFR.
The learning materials for this online course cover ESOL Entry level 2; A2/CEFR.
Course content
1. Initial assessment and outline of learner's objectives.
All four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are practised using everyday topics and situations.
Type of materials used: Word document worksheets, PDFs, Audios, Videos, Interactive activities, Online Quizzes
View sample materials
2. Unit 1:
Describing your neighbourhood
Looking for work
Filling in forms
Reading comprehension: notes, short texts
Functions (describe familiar people, give personal information, ask questions, apologise, give reason(s) etc.)
Question forms
Test (tutor-marked assessment)
3. Unit 2:
Giving and following directions, signs and symbols
Travel collocations
Booking appointments
Writing, accepting, refusing invitations
Job titles and job descriptions
Reading short messages and emails
Test (tutor-marked assessment)
4. Unit 3:
Sentence structure- nouns, verbs, adjectives (comparative and superlative), prepositions, articles
There was/were
Subject and object- roles in a sentence
Using some, any and none
Describing pictures
Test (tutor-marked assessment)
5. Unit 4:
Past simple and Past continuous. Future simple and Future continuous tenses
Replying to emails, Asking for information in writing
Talking about yourself in detail, express feelings
Differentiate between texts
Letter to work (introduction to formal writing)
Test (tutor-marked assessment)
6. Final assessment.(tutor-marked assessment)
1. Initial assessment and outline of learner's objectives.
All four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are practised using everyday topics and situations.
Type of materials used: Word document worksheets, PDFs, Audios, Videos, Interactive activities, Online Quizzes
View sample materials
2. Unit 1:
Describing your neighbourhood
Looking for work
Filling in forms
Reading comprehension: notes, short texts
Functions (describe familiar people, give personal information, ask questions, apologise, give reason(s) etc.)
Question forms
Test (tutor-marked assessment)
3. Unit 2:
Giving and following directions, signs and symbols
Travel collocations
Booking appointments
Writing, accepting, refusing invitations
Job titles and job descriptions
Reading short messages and emails
Test (tutor-marked assessment)
4. Unit 3:
Sentence structure- nouns, verbs, adjectives (comparative and superlative), prepositions, articles
There was/were
Subject and object- roles in a sentence
Using some, any and none
Describing pictures
Test (tutor-marked assessment)
5. Unit 4:
Past simple and Past continuous. Future simple and Future continuous tenses
Replying to emails, Asking for information in writing
Talking about yourself in detail, express feelings
Differentiate between texts
Letter to work (introduction to formal writing)
Test (tutor-marked assessment)
6. Final assessment.(tutor-marked assessment)
Learners must:
1. have access to a PC and fast internet connection in order to complete this course. System requirements: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11. Updated Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera. Recommended devices: laptop, desktop computer or tablet.
2. be IT literate, i.e. access, browse and navigate through the learning platform, open pdf, submit files, play audios and videos, use email, be able to use keyboard, camera and microphone on devices etc.
3. be 16+ years of age.
4. spend around 8 hours/week studying (incl. tests and live lessons). Note that this is only an estimation, the actual study time will depend on the individual.
5. be A1 Users/CEFR= have completed Entry level 1 or take our Placement Test
This course is suitable for candidates with some knowledge of the English language (current A1 Users/CEFR): you can read and write simple few word instructions, (fully or partially) understand and participate in short conversations, have an English vocabulary of at least 100-200 words.
Learners must:
1. have access to a PC and fast internet connection in order to complete this course. System requirements: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11. Updated Browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera. Recommended devices: laptop, desktop computer or tablet.
2. be IT literate, i.e. access, browse and navigate through the learning platform, open pdf, submit files, play audios and videos, use email, be able to use keyboard, camera and microphone on devices etc.
3. be 16+ years of age.
4. spend around 8 hours/week studying (incl. tests and live lessons). Note that this is only an estimation, the actual study time will depend on the individual.
5. be A1 Users/CEFR= have completed Entry level 1 or take our Placement Test
This course is suitable for candidates with some knowledge of the English language (current A1 Users/CEFR): you can read and write simple few word instructions, (fully or partially) understand and participate in short conversations, have an English vocabulary of at least 100-200 words.
Assessment, Award and Tutor support
The course consists of 4 Units and 5 tutor-marked assessments.
Individual tutor support and guidance are available throughout the course.
Speaking lessons with ESOL Tutor. If you choose not to attend the lessons, speaking and listening with not be included in your certificate. We will also deduct marks from your total score.
Award: Certificate of completion which will reflect the level, skills and marks achieved. In order to successfully complete this course students must achieve a PASS for each Unit.
Optional: Formal Qualification exam
Explanation of the grade system: This level of study corresponds to Entry level 2/ A2 User from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: (see details on our Home page).
? Not sure if this is the right course for you? Take our free Placement Test!
Next steps
For those learners interested in progressing to the next level of study, we recommend online ESOL Intermediate course.
For those learners interested in progressing to the next level of study, we recommend online ESOL Intermediate course.