Update from TfL: From 1 October 2021, the way in which we assess whether an existing private hire driver or a new private hire driver applicant satisfies the ELR has changed.
As of 1 October 2021, it is no longer possible to satisfy the ELR by providing documentary evidence of a qualification or by providing a certificate from one of TfL's appointed Secure English Language Test providers. Instead, we will utilise two separate assessments: the outcome of the Safety, Equality and Regulatory Understanding (SERU) assessment will be used to determine an applicant's ability to read and write in English to an appropriate level and a new speaking and listening assessment has been introduced. Both assessments will need to be passed in order for an applicant to demonstrate that they can communicate in English at an appropriate level. The appropriate level, which is equivalent to level B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for reading, writing, speaking and listening, remains the same as before. All existing private hire drivers and all new private hire driver applicants who applied before 30 September 2021 and did not provide satisfactory evidence will now be required to demonstrate compliance with the ELR by passing the new assessments. More information on these new assessments is provided below: We have released a new course at Entry level 1/A1 (Beginner).
See full description here. ESOL levels: Entry level 1/A1 beginner Entry level 2/A2 elementary Entry level 3/B1 intermediate Level 1-2/B2-C1 advanced We have changed the design of our website and hope that you like it. We'd love your feedback. Clause 8.3. from Terms and Conditions regarding postage charges has been updated.
The update will not affect current students. Are you looking for an ESOL course? Do you need to improve your English for work, study and every day communication?
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced level courses, start at the right level> take the Placement Test. See what is like studying with ESOLCENTRE.UK> see sample course materials. |
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